I listened again and was struck by a few Nick qualities that turns your written words into digestible audio. First is your breathing and pacing which is natural and refined from practice. Then there is your humility which is so hard to feel with written words. Then there is your curiosity which while comes out in the written form doesn’t carry the wonder in your heart that comes into your voice. Then there is your inherent gentle strength of mind that wants to be in service. This becomes conveyed in audio where in the written too many complex words and connections take the mind away from the spirit of what’s communicated.

At least these are my reactions. I imagined this becoming interviews. I think your mind and spirit would be a great questioner. Interview Lela. Interview your son. Interview those in the blogosphere who touch you so you aren’t so distant but in the mix. I think you would be very good at this and still be able to convey your own voice as well.

It was made easy for you to do this with the mic. My feeling is keep exploring. And I don’t even think video is needed. Your voice carries well enough. ♥️🙏

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Audio is so much easier to take it in. More intimate, thanks~

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